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Reflections Radio/TV Guest Bios
Donald B. Carroll spent his career working in Fire & Rescue, as a district chief, academy instructor, and paramedic. During those 30 years, he raised a family and pursued the meaning of life through extended study into the Edgar Cayce readings and other spiritual, scientific, and philosophical materials. Today, Carroll is a regular speaker and writer of metaphysical topics from Cayce to the Kundalini. He spent 10 years researching and writing his book, Sacred Geometry and Spiritual Symbolism: The Blueprint for Creation. Carroll is also an international tour leader for the nonprofit Association for Research and Enlightenment, visiting sites of a spiritual nature across the globe. He is a regular presenter at A.R.E. Conferences in Virginia Beach and across the United States. His website is
Known as a mystical physician, Dr. Christine Page was immersed in spiritual mysteries from an early age. In the search for true healing, she has over 30 years of experience as a doctor and homeopath, receiving her degree from the Royal Free Medical School, London. Now focused on education, she is a gifted intuitive, mystic, and alchemist, sharing her insights and knowledge through teaching, soul readings, and writing. She sees herself as a messenger and bridge builder between different worlds whether this includes modalities of health care or levels of consciousness. Author of seven books, she is best known for Frontiers of Health and her latest, The Healing Power of the Sacred Woman.
Dr. Eben Alexander III MD with Karen Newell
After decades as a physician and teacher at Harvard Medical School and elsewhere, renowned academic neurosurgeon Dr. Eben Alexander thought he knew how the brain, mind, and consciousness worked. A transcendental Near-Death Experience (NDE) during a week-long coma from an inexplicable brain infection changed all of that – completely. Memories of his life had been completely deleted, yet he awoke with memories of a fantastic odyssey deep into another realm – more real than this earthly one! Since his 2008 NDE he has been reconciling his rich spiritual experience with contemporary physics and cosmology. We are conscious in spite of our brain. By probing deeply into our own consciousness, we transcend the limits of the human brain, and of the physical-material realm. His story offers a crucial key to the understanding of reality and human consciousness. A pioneering scientist and thought leader in consciousness studies, Dr. Alexander has been a guest on Dr. Oz, Oprah, and many other media programs. His most recent book, Living in a Mindful Universe: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Heart of Consciousness, (co-authored with Karen Newell) has garnered accolades from many scientists around the world who study the mind-body question and the nature of consciousness. His earlier books, Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife and The Map of Heaven: How Science, Religion, and Ordinary People Are Proving the Afterlife, have collectively spent more than two years atop the New York Times and international bestseller lists.
Karen Newell has spent a lifetime seeking wisdom through esoteric teachings and firsthand experience exploring realms of consciousness. She empowers others by demonstrating how to connect to inner guidance, achieve inspiration, improve wellness and develop intuition. She is co-founder of Sacred Acoustics, and co-author with Dr. Eben Alexander of Living in a Mindful Universe.
Dr. Eric Mein is the author of several books including Keys to Health: The Promise and Challenge of Holism. He was co-founder and president of Meridian Institute which researched Edgar Cayce’s medical readings for ten years resulting in a number of publications and also served as medical director for the A.R.E.’s Health and Rejuvenation Research Center for two years. Dr. Mein also experienced a personal encounter with cancer during which he focused on using the insights and techniques that he will be sharing, resulting in his complete recovery. He recently retired after being in clinical practice for over 29 years.
Gregory L. Little, EdD, part Seneca, is author of the authoritative guide to America’s mound sites, Illustrated Encyclopedia of Native American Mounds & Earthworks and co-author of Mound Builders. Both he and his wife (Lora Little) have been featured in documentaries on Discovery, Learning Channel, History Channel, Sci-Fi, MSNBC, and National Geographic.
Lora Little, EdD, has been a longtime student of the Cayce readings, especially focusing on his readings on archaeology, ancient biblical history, and spiritual development. She is coauthor of six books including A.R.E.’s Search for Atlantis and Secrets of the Ancient World.
For some years Greg and Lora Little have conducted A.R.E. tours of America’s mounds and earthworks. For details, go to They are regular presenters at A.R.E. Conferences (
Herbert Bruce Puryear, PhD, first read There is a River in 1951, visited Virginia Beach in 1953, where he lived in the old Cayce home for three weeks, and he began speaking for the A.R.E. in 1959, specializing in the Cayce readings on working with dreams. He was a full time staff member of the A.R.E. from 1969 to 1982, serving both as Director of Education and Director of Research. Since 1982, he has been the President of The Logos Center, founded by him and his wife Anne in Phoenix AZ.
Herb is the author of eight books including his newest, Psychology of the Soul, in addition to The Edgar Cayce Primer, Reflections on the Path, Sex and the Spiritual Path, and Why Jesus Taught Reincarnation. He is a graduate of Stanford University, B.A. and of the University of North Carolina, Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology. Before joining the staff of the A.R.E. he taught psychology at Trinity University in San Antonio, TX.
Josephine B. Adamson, MD, MPH, CMT, is the Medical Director for Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. She received her MD from Duke University’s School of Medicine and Master’s degree in Public Health from the University of North Carolina and is a graduate of the Cayce/Reilly® School of Massage. A former co-owner of a medical device company, she has a wealth of experience creating and maintaining health-related non-profit and for-profit businesses. She joined A.R.E. as part of the organization’s renewed focus on the health information, one of the most important, enduring legacies from the Edgar Cayce readings. She is responsible for overseeing all aspects of the health outreach and administration and interfacing with the stellar staff of the Cayce/Reilly School of Massage—which provides a comprehensive education in the art and science of therapeutic massage— and the holistic A.R.E. Health Center & Spa—which provides holistic therapies to clients from around the world in its oceanfront Virginia Beach, Va., setting complete with a Café.
Dr. Mary Helen Hensley is a chiropractor, metaphysical healer, and international motivational speaker. She has authored numerous books including The Pocket Coach and The Chakra Fairies: A Magical Mantra for Children. Her latest best-seller Promised by Heaven shares the unforgettable account of her spiritual journey and development as a metaphysical healer. She lives in Ireland with her two daughters, Jemma Skye and Jada, who are also gifted outside of the five senses. She is a regular presenter at A.R.E. Conferences. Her website is
Echo Bodine was born with psychic abilities and the gift of healing, including clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience. A talented and experienced psychic development trainer, spiritual healer, and "ghostbuster," she is the author of Hands That Heal, which teaches others how to channel spiritual healing, and several books on psychic development, including A Still Small Voice , The Gift , The Key, and My Little Book of True Ghost Stories. Echo has appeared on numerous television shows. Her Web site is