Study Group Resources
A Search for God Starter Kit
Welcome Letter
Welcome Letter (PDF)
Covenant - A Search for God: Spiritual Growth In Small Groups
by Herbert Bruce Puryear (PDF)
Step by Step - A Search for God
Step by Step - A Guide to A Search for God Book I (PDF)
A Search for God Affirmations
A Search for God Affirmations (PDF)
Ideals and Purposes
Ideals and Purposes (PDF)
Alternate Study Material
Edgar Cayce’s Bible Study Paralleling A Search For God I Study Group Lessons (626 KB PDF)
These lessons were compiled from the Study Group which met at 8 p.m. on Mondays from January 4, 1939 until January 2, 1940 at the home of Mr. And Mrs. Edgar Cayce on Arctic Circle in Virginia Beach. As the teacher, Mr. Cayce explained the purpose of the forming of this group: "We are gathered for the purpose of comparing the Study Group Lessons with the Scripture from the King James Bible, to make the truths practical for ourselves and those who seek to apply them."
The Story of a Search for God, an A.R.E. Conference Presentation
Explore the story of the life-changing lessons in the "A Search for God" material, and the people who created the first A.R.E. study group.
Starting and Mentoring a Study Group, an A.R.E. Conference Presentation
If you’ve always wanted to explore the “A Search for God” study group materials, or if you are current or former member of a study group wanting to start a new group, this presentation will help you understand the process.

A Search for God: Books I & II Anniversary Edition
Discover a closer attunement to God. In 1931, Edgar Cayce agreed to help a group of people grow spiritually. Over eleven years, they applied and compiled 24 lessons that became A Search for God, Books I and II. Now on Sale!