Walk the Labyrinth

The labyrinth at Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. headquarters in Virginia Beach is located in front of the historic hospital building built by Edgar Cayce in 1928. It is an 11-circuit labyrinth, 40 feet in diameter with 11 circles constructed of contrasting tan and charcoal-colored pavers. Modeled after the labyrinth at the Chartres Cathedral in France, it is designed as a safe area to simply walk and think or enter into a deep meditation.
Walking the labyrinth can help you find spiritual guidance or a solution to a problem. Visitors are welcome to walk the labyrinth - free - anytime between sunup and sundown. Download these tips for getting results within the labyrinth.
The Dolphins
Dolphins are connected with the power of breath and with emotional release, which are also both deeply connected. One of the most important factors in spiritual growth is to give ourselves the freedom of full experiencing our feelings and emotions.
The Compass Points
Native Americans have their own meanings of cardinal directions and hold to the following guideline:
- North = wisdom/thought
- East = salvation/spirit
- South = beginnings/purity
- West = conclusions/fullness
The Yin Yang
The Chinese Yin Yang symbols represent perfect balance.
Blue for Water
Water is an extremely powerful element that has the potential to heal on many levels, particularly spiritual and emotional.