We Are One Human Family
by Pamela Anne Bro, PhD
Edgar Cayce often told clients: "Know your ideal," that is, "Know Whom you serve." The ideal is the best quality we can imagine—like love, hope, and trust. It's different for each of us, and even changes over a lifetime. It's like the Star of Bethlehem guiding the Magi to their true encounter with the Christ child. Our ideals orient us to our soul's purpose so that we can grow and help better the world.
I had the opportunity to be present in July for a reading from my empathic sister, Greta, who channeled both the Mother and Sun Bear of the Ojibway Bear clan, joined by Sitting Bull, Two Eagles, and others. Ethan and Rick Marten, filmmakers of White Buffalo Movie: 2012, and my mom, June Bro, were present also, listening expectantly for the questions and answers.
The Mother (combining energies of Mary, White Buffalo Calf Woman, Gaia, and Kwan Yin) spoke first through Greta, inviting questions.
Rick asks: "On what historical date did White Buffalo Calf Woman come to the Lakota?"
The Mother responds: "We can liken this to the vision of Guadalupe: a vision landed in the land and hearts of Mexicans in a specific geographical location, yet also in an energy field. So it is difficult to pinpoint since it was a wave of consciousness. Literally, we would say that White Buffalo Calf Woman appeared about 900 to 1,000 years ago. As a spiritual being, she focalized energy—the actual woman was greeted by scouts. Then her wisdom spread to hearts and lands across North America and now belongs to First Nations! Your film is heralding the return of The Mother, the coming of the "Age of the Heart."
(I love her next comment.) "It is important to tell a film story for all people, for Mother comes to unify all people. She's 'connective tissue.'"
Ethan asks: "How important is the Peace Pipe that White Buffalo Calf Woman gave to the Lakota?"
The Mother: "The pipe is a symbol of peace, yet there is also a violent history with the tribes' use of it … White Buffalo Calf Woman brings peace and oneness and starts a movement of Rainbow People. We are all one … The overall message of your film is to reunite all humanity. As White Buffalo Calf Woman prophesied so many eons ago, there are many calves being born. The time is now. Great change is happening. And you have eyes to see, ears to hear, bringing this message to consciousness—the awakening of humanity and the opening of the heart."
Rick asks: "Any Hopi energy present here with the Lakota guides?"
The Mother: "Yes. Tibetan and Hopi." (This is exciting news. Just yesterday, the Martens returned from interviewing Hopi elders in Arizona.)
Sun Bear pipes in with his comic sense: "You, humanity, are like in a dryer now. There is a stripping and a shredding. One must step deeper into faith. And it's a time of leaping in consciousness for all. You can bemoan the fact, crying, 'I'm naked, with old clothes, old consciousness,' or you can rejoice that humanity is shifting. Old souls are waking up—even new ones are waking up! ... Life is stripping away your own fears. You resist this. You are being jockeyed and 'slapped up-side the head,' so you can come to a new level and new naked state, to be born again. You will stabilize in new forms and not old forms."
Curious, I ask: "What was the role of Jesus in the early Americas?"
The Mother: "Jesus was a prophet of the Mother, too! Now prophecies and the Rainbow energy are blending. Jesus came not as a Christian: he changed many colors. Mark my words! You are uncovering miracles! ... Film your discussions, brothers—how they are changing you, your struggling, your healing and transformations as you engage with Native peoples and their stories."
Sun Bear: "One of your missions is to help the earth fulfill her own leap into the 4th and 5th dimensions. You humbly help her by holding ground. We all were baptized in the Mother at some point. It's time to put down our weapons and remember we are all brothers." Oh, yes!
My heart perks up as Sun Bear addresses my heart's unspoken concern about what role I play in this project. "Stay true to the film and journey with the Brothers. Help to unify the people of the earth—this is your past life and present life's purpose, your deepest heart's desire, Beloved."
So we've come full circle. This message matches the oneness so often praised by Edgar Cayce. Let's all embody our highest ideal; let's hold ground in this shifting time of transformation and healing, and continue the Work. Hanta Yo, Tokah Hey. "Prepare the way in a holy way."
Pamela Anne Bro, PhD, is spiritual counselor for the A.R.E. Health Center & Spa, founder and pastor of Living Waters, (livingwaterssanctuary.org), author of WomanQuest: A Trail Guide to Life (womanquest.org) and anthropology consultant and "gopher" for film crew, WhiteBuffalomovie.com and facebook.com/whitebuffalomovie.