Our Stories, Our Selves
by Gordon Yumibe
Each one of us is a separately created and evolved person that has his or her own unique story to share with the One and All. We each personally reflect what choices and experiences we have all taken. We may think that is all we are—an inner composite of all of these choices and decisions—but there is so much more! It is becoming increasingly clear to many of us that this is only the smaller pattern that is reflecting a greater pattern of which we are all a part. Each reality we experience is part of something greater.
Part of my own individual reality started down this road of discovery when I first came upon writings of G. Carl Jung. What took hold of me in my early 20s was the concept of the process of individuation, the microcosm. This was a big blessing for me. It meant that my own life might have a greater meaning and significance than I once thought. The true greatness of this idea is that it points us towards a larger reality and meaning, the macrocosm.
A pattern has emerged within my imagination to help me illustrate how this process seems to be working. The pattern is a strand of DNA—it unfolds in several dimensions at once. The larger dimension is the inner relationship between the physical and spiritual reality. Whether or not one is aware of this larger pattern, each strand is operational while we are living here on this planet. On a smaller dimension, our individuality is asserting itself on a physical level so that our inner spiritual lives can unfold. Our spiritual side can grow apart or together with the physical strand because of our thoughts and actions. Our inner selves can share and grow into a larger dimension depending on the nature of our actions and how they reflect back upon the nature of this greater reality.
There are many different teachings that demonstrate this. One example is the biblical parable about building your house on either sand or rock, a showing the necessity of a solid foundation. Edgar Cayce also taught that one’s spiritual foundation should be built “line-by-line,” “here a little, there a little,” and “practiced daily.” Another facet of Cayce’s teaching was that no matter what happens, God has prepared a way out. If one can imagine a series of intersecting, interconnected actions all moving forward in an ever-increasing spiral; the goal is the creation of a more loving divine space within us. By connecting with that one small soul portion of ourselves, we can begin bridging the inner chasm between our mortal and immortal selves.
You might be asking what this has to do with your own stories. Cayce says each of us represents a corpuscle in the body of our Creator. Once we are able to see past our feelings of smallness and limitations, we become much more willing to accept the parts of ourselves that can help us recognize our inherent greatness. We can become one with the Lord. Our individual stories will take on a greater meaning as we come to terms with something in our past or as a way of moving forward collectively, realizing we are all interconnected. Another aspect is finding what our soul’s mission is. It could be anything—a vocation, a family, a religion, or another spiritual pursuit. Things happen to us for a reason, no matter how small and insignificant they might seem.
Right now as we speak, there is an ocean of love and light pouring down from the heavens. It is meant to strengthen our connectedness to that inner bridge, between all the strands of our earthly dimensions and the spiritual. It becomes increasingly important for all of us to pause to allow this light to enter. Let our inward successes become the outward manifestation of our spiritual growth. Many of our choices will reflect what comes and what goes. Already there is much unrest in the world as we are all waking up to these higher dimensions. We are no longer willing to accept the status quo and the rampant inequality that has caused so much suffering. Let our stories share our joys and sorrows. We have been asking for the light and the love to help us find our way back home. Every burden we suffer can be given up into the ready embrace of the Almighty’s love—everything.
These higher frequency energies are changing not only the way we live but also our fundamental societal structures that no longer fit. Changing is not easy, but there are many among us who have already taken the necessary steps within to help others make similar transformations. A new wave has emerged. Our stories are merging into a higher vision that once seemed impossible and unimaginable. Release what no longer holds any lasting value, breathe in, and let these new energies into your divine selves. Begin to imagine yourself as a divine spark reigniting. Begin another chapter of your life story that will bring delight to your forthcoming days…peace and blessings to all.
Gordon Yumibe is a lifelong seeker with an interest in Jungian, Gnostic, and Edgar Cayce material. While he is a professional gardener by trade, he also has a psychology degree. In 2009, he received a Spiritual Mentoring Certificate from Atlantic University. You can find Gordon on Facebook.