Join Us in Prayer
All of us at Edgar Cayce’s Association for Research & Enlightenment are joining together to strengthen our prayers for the victims of the earthquake and tsunami that devastated Japan today. While we may be thousands of miles from our brothers and sisters, we know that we are ONE and that prayer is a creative energy that can and does make a difference.
Our need to come together as one global community is greater than ever before. It is a necessary part of fulfilling our destinies as a human family; it is a necessary part of our heritage as spiritual beings manifesting in the earth.
We invite you to join us in prayer. Hold an image of Divine love enfolding and surrounding Japan and the globe. We will be praying together for these victims at 12 noon (Eastern Standard Time) each week day. Please visit to commit to pray for the victims.
"Our Father our God! In thy love, in thy mercy, be Thou nigh unto us as we approach Thy throne seeking help and aid from the cares of every soul in this world!"
Edgar Cayce Reading 281-40