COOPERATION! "Shaped Life on Earth"
—Scientific American, July 2012
—Edgar Cayce, October 1931
It's true, America's premier science magazine has confirmed Edgar Cayce's psychic pronouncement: "The first lesson is cooperation."
(Edgar Cayce reading 262-3)
It's taken 81 years but, as Cayce also stated, there is no time but one time, so let's enjoy the support whenever it comes our way.
Scientific American© (July 2012, p. 38): "The mechanisms governing the emergence of cooperation apply to all manner of organisms, from amoebas to zebras (and even, in some cases, to genes and other components of cells). This universality suggests that cooperation has been a driving force in the evolution of life on Earth from the beginning."
Now consider what Edgar Cayce said in a reading in 1931:
Edgar Cayce: "The cooperation in a body … was from the beginning, when the cooperation brought into being those forces as manifest themselves in this material world. They each, then, keeping that creative force within themselves in that direction as makes for the continuity of life, hope, peace, understanding, so may it be built in the lives of themselves first, then in others—as they, in their way, seek to bring a better understanding in this material world." (262-3)
It is continually amazing how well the content of the vast majority of Edgar Cayce's readings eventually matches science's ongoing discoveries. But let's consider the value and influence of cooperation as Scientific American reveals it in their latest issue:
"There is one group in which the effects of cooperation have proved especially profound: humans. Millions of years of evolution transformed a slow, defenseless ape into the most influential creature on the planet, a species capable of inventing a mind-boggling array of technologies that have allowed our kind to plumb the depths of the ocean, explore outer space and broadcast our achievements to the world in an instant. We have accomplished these monumental feats by working together. Indeed, humans are the most cooperative species—supercooperators, if you will."
(Scientific American, July 2012 p. 38)
The article is written by Harvard Professor Martin A. Nowark. Professor Nowark states that "people tend to think of evolution as a strictly dog-eat-dog struggle for survival. In fact, cooperation has been a driving force in evolution." He identifies five mechanisms by which cooperation may arise in organisms ranging from bacteria to human beings. These are:
- DIRECT RECIPROCITY – Among individuals who encounter one another repeatedly and are of a specific group, there becomes a tit-for-tat cooperation. Professor Nowark uses bat colonies as the example here, revealing that if a bat did not succeed in getting food that evening, then another bat among the colony would share what it had gotten. Amazingly, bats remember who gave them food, and will give back to that bat when in need.
- SPATIAL SELECTION – This type of cooperation is the good neighbor concept. Nowark explains that when the "cooperators" and "defectors" are not uniformly distributed in a population, then the cooperators tend to form clusters that can grow and prevail in competition with defectors (a defector being an individual who seeks only to take from, or use the benefits of, those giving). When the cooperators get a foothold in the communal area, then the benefits of living cooperatively become so apparent that defectors decline. Surprisingly, Nowark uses yeast as an example here, revealing how among yeast cells cooperators produce an enzyme used to digest sugar, and at a cost to themselves. If there is no spatial clustering then defector cells mooch off the sacrificing cells, but when there are clusters of cooperators among the defectors, then the cooperators always win.
- KIN SELECTION – This is the "Blood is thicker than water" theory. Among genetically related individuals, there is a greater propensity for selfless sacrifice for their relatives. Nowark uses historical quotes from 20th-century biologist J.B.S. Haldane who first mentioned the idea of kin selection.
- INDIRECT RECIPROCITY – Nowark explains that in this form of cooperation, one decides to assist another based solely on the other's reputation for helping individuals. Thus, instead of direct tit-for-tat, the giver is motivated by the idea that goodwill going around will eventually come around, even if not directly from the one being helped. This is "good karma breeds good karma."
- GROUP SELECTION – Lastly, individuals may perform selfless acts for the greater good of the group. Nowark points out that this type of cooperation "dates back to Darwin himself, who observed in his 1871 book The Descent of Man that 'a tribe including many members who...were always ready to aid one another, and to sacrifice themselves for the common good, would be victorious over most other tribes; and this would be natural selection.'"
In conclusion, Professor Nowark writes, "What makes humans, in particular, the most helpful of all? As I see it, humans, more than any other creature, offer assistance based on indirect reciprocity or reputation. Why? Because only humans have full-blown language, and, by extension, names for one another—which allows us to share information about everyone from our immediate family members to complete strangers on the other side of the globe. We are obsessed with who does what to whom and why—we have to be, to best position ourselves in the social network around us. The interplay between language and indirect reciprocity leads to rapid cultural evolution, which is central to our adaptability as a species."
Cayce's readings take us to cooperation with the Divine Forces surrounding us:
"For, as there is self, there are the powers and influences without you. Get together! Know that in cooperation with the DIVINE that is CONSTRUCTIVE you may be a blessing in ANY channel that is pointed out to you, that becomes a consciousness, an awareness in you." (317-7)
John Van Auken is an international speaker and author on a variety of topics from mystical spirituality and ancient civilizations to modern life. Popular with A.R.E. audiences throughout the country, he has written many books, including From Karma to Grace: The Power of the Fruits of the Spirit; Edgar Cayce's Tales of Ancient Egypt; and Ancient Egyptian Mysticism. John's extensive knowledge of the Edgar Cayce readings, the Bible ancient Egypt, and other world religions is combined with years of practical application of these truths in his own life. His exciting presentations are packed with useful information combined with insightful and revealing stories. His clear step-by-step techniques give practical tools for ongoing development, self-training, and spiritual enlightenment. He travels extensively, conducting seminars and retreats throughout the U.S. and abroad including A.R.E.'s annual Tour of Egypt.