Join us for Reflections: The Wisdom of Edgar Cayce Internet TV and Podcast show. We’ll broadcast a new show every month. You can view the videos of our past shows anytime.
Reflections Guest
Yvonne Oswald, PhD
Yvonne Oswald, PhD, author of Every Word Has Power, is an award-winning pioneer in the field of personal growth. Voted a 2010 Woman of Influence and Inspiration by the Ministry of Government Services, Ontario, she is a renowned and respected communications trainer and presenter, and a master trainer of hypnosis and NLP. She was nominated for the Coalition of Visionary Resources Visionary award for her unique CD Mind Magic—her method to release negative emotions and limiting beliefs in less than a minute. She has an outstanding reputation for her exciting, innovative, and interactive seminars. A British born, qualified teacher with 20+ years’ experience, Yvonne helps every audience clear issues and quantum leap their personal growth and life choices. She is a regular presenter at A.R.E. Conferences in Virginia Beach.