The Reincarnation of James Huston

Kevin J. Todeschi


I could not begin to count the number of times over the years I have heard stories about young people with seeming psychological traumas (including innate fears and reoccurring nightmares) that to students of the Edgar Cayce materials would appear to be reincarnation based. Unfortunately, almost without exception, these young people are simply treated with medications and psychotherapy in an effort to stop “the problem.” Because an understanding of reincarnation and the way in which memory transfers from one incarnation to the next has yet to enter into our mainstream worldview there has not been an openness to look at these issues from the perspective of the soul rather than simply from the perspective of the mind. That is until now. The story of downed World War II pilot James Huston reincarnating in our contemporary time as James Leininger may do much to change the way in which parents and health care providers look at fear, reoccurring nightmares, and the journey of the soul.


Book: Soul Survivor Recounted in Soul Survivor: The Reincarnation of a World War II Fighter Pilot is the story of two-year-old James Leininger who began having repetitive and horrific nightmares about a man who was stuck in a plane that was on fire, crashing toward the water. He began drawing pictures of the scene – an event that shaped many of his waking thoughts. He told his parents that the man had been shot down. When they asked by whom, the child appeared stunned by their ignorance and replied, “The Japanese.” The child stated that he had been the man in the plane and provided extensive details about the man, his name, James Huston, the ship he was from and the individuals who had served with him. In time, his parents tracked down both family and surviving servicemen who had known James Huston, and little James Leininger provided specific information that could have only been known by Huston. The Japanese even invited young Leininger to return to the place where his planned had been downed more than 60 years ago. The impressiveness of the tale has caused the Leininger story to be picked up by media throughout the country, from ABC’s Primetime to Fox News.


For me, the story of James Leininger is a refreshing reminder that we are eternal spiritual beings having ongoing physical experiences in a process of personal growth and enlightenment. There is no doubt in my mind that stories like this will become more commonplace and more accepted, for we are on the verge of a global shift in perception and consciousness – a shift that will lead us to truly understand our connection to one another and our relationship with the Divine. After all, when the workings of reincarnation became the worldview then all the things that divide us – whether religion, or power, or ideology or differences of any kind – will simply fade away.


Meet Bruce Leininger at the A.R.E. Headquarters Conference Courageous Souls: Reconnecting with Your Past Lives, Soul Groups, and Soul Purpose, February 19-21, 2010.