The Intuitive Mind
By Mark Thurston
What's the essence of this work? In six words, living out of the intuitive mind.
There are so many teachings and methods about personal transformation. Where do we even get started? What's the essence of this work? Ten years ago I had a chance to create a book manuscript about the fundamental principles in the philosophy of the Cayce readings. It was published as The Essential Edgar Cayce, and it tried to answer that very question. But a book is long, and I suspect that most any reader wouldn't come away with as direct and simple an answer as might be desired. Let me try again here, in a much more concise format.
If I had only half a dozen words, I would propose that the Cayce readings invite us to a journey of personal transformation, and that quest depends upon living out of the intuitive mind. Let's consider just what that intuitive mind is all about.
Whereas the rational, analytical mind is skillful at breaking things into parts and seeing how those parts are governed by the law of cause-and-effect, the intuitive mind grasps the wholeness of life; it perceives the essential interconnectedness of things. This capacity to perceive and relate to oneness makes the intuitive mind a vital ally in the work of personal transformation. No doubt there are many situations in which we need the analytical mind, just to function in the daily world. However, personal transformation is ultimately about becoming a whole person and finding one's place in the greater Wholeness of existence. Living out of the intuitive mind is indispensible to that work.
What else can be said of the intuitive mind? Strange as it may sound, it is "logical"-but logical in the realm of higher dimensions, in more expansive states of reality than just the familiar three dimensions where analytical logic is so effective. In the fourth dimension (which Cayce called the realm of ideas) or the fifth dimension (which we can speculate is the realm of ideals and intentions), the intuitive mind creates a "logic" of its own-orderly, lawful ways of navigation.
So, how can we make all of this more practical? What would be some active steps to promote personal transformation by intentionally choosing to live out of your intuitive mind? Consider applying one or more of these three exercises or disciplines.
Use your intuitive mind to listen to other people. Allow space in the conversation, and don't be in hurry to have advice or answers. Edgar Cayce's son Hugh Lynn often said in lectures about intuition, "The highest form of psychic ability is knowing when to keep your mouth shut." Intuition is not so much about tuning in psychically to get facts or solutions. Sometimes it's knowing "how to be" toward someone with the body language you express, and sometimes it's just silently caring. If you find yourself wondering, "What should I expect to get when I am listening intuitively?" then you are probably asking the wrong question. The intuitive mind is more concerned about what you can give to the situation at hand.
Trust your instincts about when to be spontaneous and creative. Take some risks to live "outside the box" of what's safe and ordinary for you. In the long run, personal transformation means dropping the routine, conditioned, and automatic ways you live. The rational, habit-bound mind keeps you stuck in what is familiar and time-worn. Living out of the intuitive mind is the way to see new possibilities, and to harness the force of will to break some habits and create new patterns.
Make your nocturnal dream life just as important to you as your fantasy interests in TV shows, novels, or sports. Your intuitive mind is active in the night, shaping purposeful, instructive experiences that have tremendous potential to promote your personal transformation. But are you remembering your dreams? Or, even if you do, how much attention and care do you give to them? What would happen if you dropped your attention and entanglement with a favorite TV show, mystery novel, or sports team, and then re-invested that time and energy in working on your real dreams-the guidance from your intuitive mind?
Avoid the pitfalls. Of course there are potential pitfalls in becoming more aware of your intuitive mind. It can slip into a fascination with ESP and harnessing psychic powers. That was never the intention of the Cayce readings when encouraging us to appreciate the soul-enhancing function of intuition. Another danger is that we might try to simply "live in" the intuitive mind rather than "live out of" it. That distinction in prepositions is crucial. We shouldn't retreat into a private world of intuitional imagination. Properly used for personal transformation, the intuitive mind allows us to live out into the world with enhanced sensitivity, creativity, and helpfulness to the whole of existence.
Mark Thurston, PhD, is an author, psychologist, and educator who worked at A.R.E. and Atlantic University from 1973 through 2008. He is now a faculty member at George Mason University's Center for the Advancement of Well-Being where he teaches courses about consciousness, mindfulness, and spirituality. He is featured in the Edgar Cayce Online Learning course, "Discovering Your Soul’s Purpose," and the creator of "Discovering Your Mission In Life" on DVD. More about his work can be found at