Spiritual Role Models
By Tina Erwin
Throughout our lives, we come across all types of role models, as certain people inspire us to do great things. We learn from their example or their encouragement. Other people teach us what love and leadership aren’t. We learn what cruelty and criticism look and feel like. We learn what not to do from these people.
Spiritually, we then come to those supposedly spiritual leaders who claim to have all the answers. Some of these people abuse us spiritually, creating terror in us because they cause us to be afraid of God. Some people inspire us spiritually because of their kindness, their example of service, and their lack of prejudice. We learn the skills of loving kindness and patience from them.
In my spiritual studies, I discovered all kinds of people who claimed to be the reincarnation of some great person, or of being totally ‘enlightened’ and of having ‘great powers.’ I quickly realized that none of these people, no matter how well intentioned, were the real thing. Many were examples of people who thought they had power and who really had very little.
However, along my fascinating path, I discovered a man named Edgar Cayce, a psychic who eventually founded the Association for Research and Enlightenment, in Virginia Beach, Virginia. This was a man who discovered from an early age that he truly had a unique psychic ability. As he matured, this ability manifested in an astonishing ability to go into trance and allow what was termed a Universal Spirit of goodness to overshadow him. At this point he was able to provide absolutely accurate information on diagnosis and healing of various clients anywhere in the world.
Mr. Cayce was a simple man, an ordinary man who had a devout and unshakable belief in God, in Christ, and in his own Divine connection ― and yet he was utterly honest, true to himself and his family. He was a psychic, yet he was humble, kind, caring, and above all dedicated to the service of mankind. Perhaps he is my favorite mortal spiritual role model because he taught by example the need to love and care for all humanity. In the purity of the soul that was Edgar Cayce, we have the embodiment of the message that Christ came to Earth to share: love one another. Help one another in whatever capacity you are able to provide. Respect the path of another, whether or not that person goes to your church!
Cayce caused me to remember that you cannot heal everyone. Christ did not heal everyone because not everyone had the karma to be healed ― and that is also true today. Help those you can and then respect their path without judgment.
Edgar Cayce was willing to look at things outside of his original range of knowledge. He did his spiritual job to the best of his ability. He loved with all of his heart. At the end of his precious life, he could look back and marvel at all he had learned and all the lives he felt he had humbly touched. Perhaps he felt honored to have been allowed to have that ability, and to use it the way that he did.
Perhaps Edgar Cayce represented the best role model I could have, because he was a flawed human being who did his best every day, accepted those tough days and still keep going, lighting the way with his own goodness. I can only hope to fill a tiny portion of the giant footprints Mr. Cayce so generously left behind.
TINA D. ERWIN, CDR, USN, Ret. has studied metaphysics all her life to enable her to understand her own psychic abilities. These intense studies were further enhanced by the experiences of a dynamic 20-year career in the Navy, working for the U.S. Submarine Force, retiring at the Commander level. Erwin is the author of the A.R.E. Press book, The Lightworker's Guide to Healing Grief.