More than 50 million Americans have painful knees! Though sales of anti-inflammatory drugs are brisk, they come with side-effects, especially with long-term use. People in Edgar Cayce’s day suffered with painful knees, too. Some of the holistic recommendations mentioned in the Cayce readings to treat knee pain include massage with peanut oil, healthy diet, walking, and to clear inflammation-causing toxins from the body.
To prevent knee pain, the Cayce readings suggest that self-massage with peanut oil twice a day will help us dodge arthritis pain. See the video below for a demonstration of a knee massage. Don’t forget to massage the lower part of the back thigh and the upper part of the calf, too.
Weight loss is another holistic way to improve knee health. Losing one pound of weight reduces pressure on the knee joints by 4 pounds! Having shoes that fit properly and provide support is another important factor for healthy knees. Low-impact exercise and stretching will strengthen the large muscle groups that provide stability and range-of-motion for the knees.
Grab a sturdy chair and try a few exercises you might want to make part of your daily routine:
1. Calf Stretch
- Both hands on chair back to stay balanced.
- With one leg forward, stretch the other leg back.
- Hold for 15 seconds (work up to 30 seconds for each leg).
- Switch legs.
- Don’t arch your back as you press your hips forward.
2. Thigh Stretch
- Right hand on chair back to stay balanced.
- Bend your left knee and grab your foot from behind with your left hand and pull toward your buttocks.
- Hold 15 seconds (work up to 30 seconds for each leg).
- Switch hands and legs.
- Don’t arch your back as you press your hips forward.
3. Half Squats
- Both hands on chair back to stay balanced.
- Squat until your knees are at 45 degree angles (not all the way to the floor).
- Don’t lean forward.
- Hold for 5 seconds.
- Push up slowly through your heels.
- Repeat as often as you can (work up to 25 repetitions).
4. Thigh Curls
- Both hands on chair back to stay balanced.
- Bend knee to raise your foot behind you until it is parallel to the floor.
- Flex your foot raising your heel as high as possible.
- Keep knees close together.
- Hold for 5 seconds
- Repeat as often as you can (work up to 25 repetitions).
5. Calf Raises
- Both hands on chair back to stay balanced.
- Lift one foot slightly off floor.
- Shift your weight and raise up onto the ball of the other foot.
- Hold for 5 seconds.
- Repeat as often as you can (work up to 25 repetitions).
6. Leg Extensions
- Sit down in the chair
- Tighten one thigh to straighten knee.
- Raise foot as high as possible.
- Don’t forcefully swing leg.
- Hold for 5 seconds.
- Switch legs.
- Repeat as often as you can (work up to 25 repetitions per leg).
The knee is the largest and most complex joint in our body. Our knees carry the weight of our bodies every day, so let’s do our best to take care of them!