From the Archives:
Dedication Ceremony for the Library,
Offices, and Vault
September 29, 1940
On November 15, 1938, Edgar Cayce sent a letter to all of the members of the Association for Research and Enlightenment. Here is a copy of that letter from 1469-1 Reports.
On the evening of November 4th I had this dream, vision or experience: I was in our office “reading room” discussing with some of the family the necessity for protecting and preserving the records we already have, and the means for doing this. Suddenly a master (the Master, to me) appeared and said:
“Peace be unto you! Ask all whom you have tried to help to help you save these records, for they are their experiences and are a part of them! Whether they contribute a shingle, a beam, a window, a door, or the entire vault for the records, give them all the opportunity to have a part in the work.”
A place for preserving these records is becoming more and more necessary. We have…copies of individual readings, which we believe will, if preserved, be of inestimable value to the world through scientific research in the years to come. Investigators have told us that we have the largest collection in existence of the records of an individual psychic.
Such a place may be prepared at a cost of eighteen hundred dollars or more ($1,800), provided it is built adjoining my home here in Virginia Beach.
Do you want to have any part in this?
Yours in service,
Edgar Cayce
It was this letter that Edgar Cayce mentioned in his Closing Remarks for the Dedication Ceremony of the Library, Offices, and Vault on September 29, 1940:
There is only one thing I want to say. That is, “Thank you.” As you know, two years ago I had a dream which gave me the first concrete idea as to a manner in which this building might come into actual existence. As I thought of it, it seemed far away. The Readings have indicated for years that when a sufficient number of individuals had been convinced personally as to the value of the information, they would help pass it on to others. When I had this dream, I sent a copy to every member of the Association. Today we are able to see the result of this letter. The money, time and energy which have made this possible have come from those whom I have tried to help.
One of the carpenters, working on the building, said to me the other day, “Well, Mr. Cayce, I’ve heard about you... I’ve heard a lot of people say a lot of things about you, but I don't think I’ve ever met a man just like you. I don’t know what it is, that is different, but there’s something!” He possibly has never seen even a copy of a Reading; he doesn't know what it is all about. Yet, when we started putting in our library, the first set of books was given by this man. It is helpful to know that our efforts stimulate such attitudes in individuals.
We are dedicating this building for a service to humanity. “Inasmuch as ye do it unto the least of these, my brethren, ye do it unto me.” The service to our fellow man is the greatest service we can do for our Maker. For, it is seeing in our fellow man something we could worship in our Maker that leads us on, to hope for, to be the very best possible channel for good. The work of studying our records and preparing them for distribution is just beginning. We need your cooperation and the assistance of every member of the Association. We are ready to go forward.
Thank you! Thank you for helping me to make this possible.
Let us close with a word of prayer:
Gracious God, we thank Thee for Thy blessing to us. We thank Thee for the gift of Thy love, and the manifestations of Thyself in the earth through Thy Son, Jesus Christ. As we have come here this afternoon to dedicate this building for the purpose that we may better serve our fellow men, may we each dedicate...rededicate...our lives to Thee. For it is in Thee that we live and move and have our being. Be Thou, O God, the guide. Direct us in the things we do and say, and help us to choose Thy ways. Now, may the blessings of the father, the Son and the Holy Spirit be on each and every one, as we ask it in Jesus' name. Amen.
Note: The Library, Offices, and Vault were an addition to Edgar Cayce's home on Arctic Crescent. This excerpt is from the material available in our online member only section. The above can be found in 254-107 Report.
Join Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. for the Grand Opening Celebration of the Cayce/Miller Café and newly renovated Cayce Hospital building on June 27, 2014 from 2-5 p.m. in Virginia Beach. You can join the celebration of these amazing and historic changes and learn how they will help with future growth of the Cayce Work. The program will also be live-streamed around the globe. For details, visit