A Reading for Easter
Reading 5749-12 Given March 24, 1940
Present: Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Florence Edmonds, Esther Wynne, Hannah Miller, Helen and Marsden Godfrey, Myrtle Demaio, Minnie and C. A. Barrett, and Hugh Lynn Cayce.
Gertrude Cayce: On this Easter day of 1940 we seek a discourse on the significance of the Resurrection of Jesus, the Christ.
Edgar Cayce: In giving that as might be significant in the experiences of those present, it is well that there be considered those conditions which exist in the world of thought, as well as in the political and economic situations throughout the world—if there is to be a practical application of the significance of the resurrection of Jesus, the Christ.
The life, the death, the resurrection of Jesus are as facts, in the hearts and minds of those here. The resurrection of Jesus, the Christ, is a significant fact to each individual only according to how he applies same (as it is significant to him) in his daily life, experience and conversation with his fellow man.
Then, in a material world—a world of hate, of divided opinions—what is the course that you each will pursue, in relationships to your fellow men?
Is it the course outlined by the tenets, the principles which He, the Teacher of teachers gave as respecting the manner of life, of activity, that you each would give in your dealings and relationships with your fellow men?
We know, and only need to be reminded, that the whole law is in Him. For, as He gave that which is the basis, the principle, of the intent and desire and purpose which should prompt our activity, so we in our own world—as we live, as we speak, as we pray—are to let it be in that tempo, in that way and manner which was prompted by Him, as He taught His disciples how to pray.
Then, as we analyze this prayer in our experience, we see what the life, the death, the resurrection of Jesus, the Christ—who is the way, the truth, the light—must mean in this period in the experience of man.
Think not that He, God, will be mocked. For, whatsoever a man soweth, that must he also reap. This was truly exemplified in the life of the Man of Galilee. For, in Him we all live, we all move, we all die. So, in Him we are all made alive.
Put away hate, malice, jealousy, or the taking sides with any that stir up strife.
Be ye rather on the Lord's side—knowing that no man is in any position of power or might save by the will of the Father, that there may be fulfilled that which has been promised of Him, by Him, and through that advent of the man Jesus into a material world.
Then, as ye meditate upon the meaning of the resurrection of this man of God—know that the way is open to thee to approach the throne of God; not as an excuse, not as a justification, but rather in love, in harmony, in that which brings hope for a sin-sick world.
Each individual, then, may act, may live, may pray—in his or her own little sphere of activity—in such a manner as to bring peace and harmony, even among those who appear to be at variance to the cause of the Christ in the material world.
Let not thy heart be troubled, then. Ye believe in God; believe also in Him—who came to bring peace, and the way to the Father, exemplifying same in the ability to take away death - that is as sin in the experience of man.
And thus may he (man) indeed love the Lord with all his heart, and his neighbor as himself.
We are through.