Researching everything I could about human prehistory, I attempted to build the best possible back story for my novel. I reread Genesis and Edgar Cayce’s readings and studied anthropology and geology.…
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Rod Martin, Jr. has been a divinity student, a Hollywood artist with screen credit, and a software engineer with a bachelors degree, summa cum laude. He has co-authored, as Carl Martin, one novel with John Dalmas, Touch the Stars: Emergence (Tor Books), and has won first-place honors for his essay, “Outsiderness in the Scientific Community” (Krupnick Award) and his short story, “Toady” (Dutton Books Award). His Edge of Remembrance, a novel inspired by Cayce’s work, was self-published (Tharsis Highlands). Mr. Martin now lives in the Philippines as a writer and is currently working on a non-fiction book, also inspired by Cayce’s readings, The Bible’s Hidden Wisdom, God’s Reason for Noah’s Flood, which is the subject of a crowd funding campaign at IndieGoGo.Com. You can find out more about his art, software, websites and writing at
Posts by Rod Martin, Jr. :
- Ancient Mysteries
- Ask Edgar
- Astrology
- Book Reviews
- Dreams
- Earth Changes
- Edgar Cayce Readings
- Energy Work
- Enlightenment Series
- Ghosts and the Afterlife
- Holistic Health
- Intuition
- Meditation / Prayer
- Prosperity
- Psychic Phenomena (Psi)
- Reincarnation
- Spiritual Growth
- Universal Laws
- Unsolved Mysteries
- Wellness Wednesday
- Edgar Cayce Archives